Mar 18, 2016 - Company announcement

2015: Growth in sales, number of staff and regional presence

Another record-breaking revenue for Consist

IT service provider Consist Software Solutions generated consolidated revenue of EUR 26 million in 2015, taking subsidiary Consist ITU Environmental Software into account. This makes it the highest figure ever in the history of the company. The number of staff at Consist also increased greatly in 2015, and the company opened additional locations in the first quarter of 2016. 

Kiel – Consist Software Solutions GmbH once more reports positive results for 2015. The consolidated revenue amounted to EUR 26 million, including Consist ITU Environmental Software GmbH, the subsidiary company in Hamburg. This is the highest revenue in the history of the company. In comparison to the previous year, this represents a 14% growth in revenue, which can mainly be put down to increased revenue in the Managed Services and Projects divisions. 

Consist has been successfully carrying out software development (Projects) and maintenance (Managed Services) for medium and large companies in any industry for over 30 years. The company further expanded its existing activities in the field of Big Data Analytics and IT security in 2015 as well. "We are gaining more and more important new clients via innovative Big Data and IT security projects", explained Consist Managing Director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven. The company already has around 20 certified specialists for Big Data technology and a wide range of services related to IT security.

Growth in staff and regional expansion

In 2015, Consist significantly expanded its team through extensive new recruitment. On average for the year, the company had 152 employees (in 2014: 133 employees). Consist also recruited new employees in the first quarter of 2016. The current staff level is at 168 employees (dated: 3/17/2016).  New recruitment is also planned for the rest of the year. In addition, Consist will become a training organization for the first time this year. As from fall 2016, the company will be taking on two individuals to train as IT specialists in application development.

The IT service provider has also expanded its business space - the company, which is headquartered in Kiel and has an office in Berlin, recently opened a new location in Frankfurt (Main) as well as an office in Braunschweig, thus enabling Consist to extend its local presence to additional regions in Germany.

Looking forward

"The excellent set-up with our committed team and services that are in demand on the market means that I look to the future with great optimism. We will continue to grow in 2016, both in Kiel as well as in the new locations", Martin Lochte-Holtgreven commented on his expectations for 2016.

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Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, Consist Managing Director, is pleased about the record-breaking revenue in 2015. Source: Consist Software Solutions GmbH


Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629
