Sep 2, 2019 - Company announcement
Sponsoring and expert know-how
Consist at the Digital Week in Kiel
IT service provider Consist Software Solutions is sponsoring the 2019 Digital Week in Kiel and getting involved in a range of events via lectures and presentations.
Kiel – Consist, specialist in the Digital Transformation, IT Security and Managed Services, is once again sponsoring the Digital Week in Kiel as a "friend". Schleswig-Holstein’s digital festival will be taking place for the third time from September 7 - 14, 2019 at various locations in Kiel.
Experts from Consist in demand
Consist’s Managing Director Jörg Hansen will be a podium member on September 10, 2019 at the Global Economic Symposium, which will be highlighting "Globalization in the digital age". He will be getting involved in the discussion on "Global, national, regional: what digitalization causes." This event will be held in the IHK Kiel premises from 2pm to 6pm. More information about the exact details of the program can be found here.
Consist’s specialists, Nicolas Dohrendorf and David Keck, will be speak-ing at the lecture series on digital professions on September 10, 2019 at the RBZ Wirtschaft. This is directed at school pupils (also former pupils) who would like to learn more about digital professions. Nicolas Dohren-dorf’s interactive presentation will be on "The Digital War". David Keck will be talking about "Big Data and Parkour".
The DiWiSH IT Security group will be providing information about "Safer Cyber" in an event on September 12, 2019 from 2pm to 5:30pm in the IHK Kiel premises. Consist’s expert, Matthias Kowalewski will be speak-ing about "How to SIEM". Details on the event can be found on the DiWiSH website.